
Content Tips

How To Make Your Content Relevant And Interesting…For Everyone


Put yourself in your customers shoes for a moment.

They have a problem and need options to help them solve their problem. They’re interested in knowing more about solutions.

But what’s the first thing they’ll look for?

Relevant free information and content that answers their questions.

How else can they make a rational choice about which of the many options they should go with to solve their problem?

Some People Like To Read, Others Prefer To Watch…

So how do you attract these customers and convince them to choose you over your competitors?

It comes down to creating the right content, for the right people, at the right time.

People like to consume content in different ways, so, offer them a variety of ways to enjoy the content you produce…

A content strategy that offers diversity above and beyond traditional blog posts or articles gets clicks.

Listicles, free training video’s, how-to guides on your product or service, Infographics, even fun quizzes related to your industry will increase engagement and get traffic to your site.

No traffic, no sales.

Ensure that your content is shareable and then promote it on all of your social media accounts. The more people who see your content and share it, the more visitors you’ll attract.

Here’s Three Ideas to Keep Your Content Interesting

1.        Video

That video is here to stay, is a given.

Wyzowl reported in their State of Video Marketing in 2018 report that 81% of businesses are using video as a marketing tool compared with 63% in 2017 and 99% of those who use video said they planned on continuing to use it.

And viewing statistics for YouTube are unbelievable:   

  • They have over a billion users and each day those users watch a billion hours of video.
  • YouTube reaches more 18 to 49-year-olds than any cable network in the US.
  • And interestingly more than half of their views are on mobile devices.


These videos range from vloggers documenting their lives and passions to corporate content.

Why not you?

The opportunities to include video in your content plan are endless.

  • Explainer videos
  • Product demonstration videos
  • Turning your articles into videos with using slides and voice-over


However, if you want your video to convert well; that is, drive sales and signups, it has to be scripted.

A well-written script can really make the difference, even if you can’t afford  professional video production.

As Neil Patel from QuickSprout says, ‘It’s all about the script, not the video’.

2.        Infographics

An infographic is a way of presenting complex information and data in a visual way that is easy to understand and digest.

The beauty of infographics is that they get viewed more, shared more and linked to more often than most of the other content types.

If you have an in-house graphic designer they’ll be able to produce stunning  infographics or otherwise you can hire a graphic artist on a design site like Visually.

It’s easy to design an infographic very cost effectively using Canva, which has a range of infographic templates that are fully customisable.

Infographics are the perfect solution for communicating data, research, statistics, in fact anything, in an easy to grasp visual format.

3.        Case Studies

A well written case study is an inspiring success story.

It describes how your product or service helped solve a customer’s problem ina unique way. The case study says:

  • Here’s what we do
  • Here’s how we do it
  • And these are the results our customer got


It’s important that the case study offers some interesting information and isn’t  an exercise in marketing.

  • Start with a brief summary and a preview of how things turned out
  • Discuss the problem that your client was facing
  • Detail the solution that you offered; step-by-step
  • Present the results showing how it was successful for your client
  • Write a conclusion and a call to action


Case studies are the ultimate social proof as they provide abundant detail on the effectiveness of your product or service from the perspective of a user.

Your Content Still Has To Be Fantastic, Relevant And Well Written…

The most important takeaway from this is that any content that you produce, no matter what format you choose, has to be exceptional.

Well thought out, informative, addressing your customers problems by offering a solution, and a pleasure to read or view.

So if you think that you have your copy writing needs nailed down then that is awesome, but if you think you need professional help just click the button below and see if Macca Business Solutions can help.