Search Engine Optimization

Search Is Everywhere It Matters…

Search Is Structural


Search Is Technical


Search Is White Hat

White Hat SEO

What Motivates The 3 Players

The searcher:

Relevant results on everything they are looking for instantly

The Search Engine:

Revenue, they serve relevant results to the searcher and popular and to keep searchers on web properties they own plus search engines are motivated buy the sales of ads.

The Marketer / Business Owner:

They want to rank, drive traffic and impressions to generate leads and sales.

Discoverability and Availability


Available –

Being found when they are  looking specifically for you. (Branded Queries)


Discoverable –

Being found when they are NOT looking specifically for you. (N on-branded Queries)

The GOAL for your SEO  is to ensure that your business, content and solutions are DISCOVERABLE & AVAILABLE on the right channels.